
 This was my logo for the project. I used my initials for the base of it. My favorite camera of mine to use is my super 8 video camera so I modeled the shape off that camera. I personally like a minimalist style so that is the way I chose to create this piece. 

The super 8 video camera is arguably the most iconic camera ever made. it is replicated constantly but never imitated accurately. to show that I know and understand the camera through my logo shows that I would be a expert in video and camera recording. the Use of my initials showed that I really am in invested in the craft. 


  1. The inclusion of your initials into the logo design works really well. The only criticism i could think to give it so maybe make the H transparent with an outline, otherwise it becomes hidden into the camera and I had to double check your last initial to realize that the frame of the camera was the H. Other than that, I think the logo has a good idea behind its design. Simple and easy to identify.


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