
Showing posts from November, 2020

Portfolio This is the link to my portfolio. I am unsure as to why Blogger wont let me embed the pdf doc. or upload a pdf document.  I used some images of smoke flares I made years ago and never used. I wanted a very professional look to my Portfolio. I feel that my portfolio is a very strong project and showcases well what I did in and worked hard on in this class. This class was very lengthy and it is hard to think it is over already. It was a nice touch at the end to see all my work layed and out and i am proud of my self and what I accomplished in this class. I tried to show my personal art style through everything I made wether it was understood or not. I think minimalism is the cleanest and clearest form of art and that you can say a lot more with showing a lot less. Thank you Prof. Roundtree.

bw to color

 For my black and white to color I went with the Monochromatic, analogous, and complementary color schemes from the adobe color wheel website. This project was quite hard to execute and follow due to the mess of layers I was working with and when I realized I was screwed and couldn't execute the project the same as the tutorial It was too late to restart and go back.  This image also very troubling when it came to cutting the masks on this image especially around my hair. the shirt had a few words on the front that I felt the professor would find inappropriate for class. the finger board was very hard to mask correctly and the organization of the layers troubled me a lot too. 

Buisiness cards

This is my submission for the business card project. I made sure to involve my logo as much as possible with out creating an overwhelming feeling. I stuck with my personal style of minimalism. This is my reoccurring theme for all and most projects so i chose not to branch out and stay with what is comfortable.  I believe that less says more and that minimalism is a perfect and professional style for a business card. easy to read and straight to the point while being very sleek and simple. I felt that it was necessary to connect the logo into my name in the front of my cards. I felt it gave a better understanding to the logo. 


 This is my somewhere project. I used the most memorable take from the movie Kids made in 1995 by Larry Clark. A movie about teenagers living in New York City in the summer of 1995. I inserted myself on the left side of the image. I used a picture that was already taken. I had trouble taking a picture that matched the lighting of the scene so I edited the image of myself to match it as much as possible. This image was the best fit because i was walking in the same way the actors are walking and it is more natural than a staged picture. I also felt that my outfit and look in the picture was nearly identical to the way they look in the scene in the movie.

pre-Somewhere blog hw for inspiration

 I belive this would be a hard pic to insert my self into, I do not have a wig or mustache and this looks like a hard image to photoshop myself into. As a big movie fan this gave me a good idea for my somewhere project. i thought this photo was very funny and made me laugh a lot I though this image was super cool and i would have a lot of fun recreating.


 This was my autoscopy project I used inspiration from the episode of Spongebob where Squidward traveled to the future. I used that scene  for the background. I included images that I thought were humorous. A bear just hanging out, A old chair I used the crystalize filter on and the planet Uranus because the name of the planet is funny.  Personally I did not know exactly what direction to take this project in so I decided I would just have fun with it and see what I come up with. this is one of my more proudest projects in this class because it is hard to look at this picture and say "hey this is pretty funny looking".